Archive a Quiz

  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. The FLAIM Capture Dashboard Page will now be displayed.
  3. Click on the "Online Courses" link displayed within the menu located on the left of the page.
  4. The "Online Courses" sub menu will now be displayed.
  5. Click on the "Course Contents" link displayed within the "Online Courses" sub menu.
  6. The Content Management Page will now be displayed.
  7. You can use the search filters to modify the display to only show course content that matches the filter criteria you set.
  8. When you have identified the quiz that you wish to archive, click on the “>” symbol displayed at the end of the quiz details row.
  9. The Edit Questions Quiz Page for that quiz will now be displayed.
  10. Click on the “Settings” button displayed on the top right of the page.
  11. A drop down menu will be displayed.
  12. Click on the "Edit" link.
  13. The Edit quiz Page will be displayed.
  14. Click on the “Status” field.
  15. A drop down menu will appear.
  16. Select “Archived”.
  17. Click on the “Save” button.
  18. A confirmation message will be briefly displayed confirming that the Quiz has been updated and archived.
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