Display the All Scenarios Page & Display Scenario Details Page

  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. The FLAIM Capture Dashboard Page will now be displayed.
  3. Click on the "Scenarios" link displayed within the menu located on the left of the page.
  4. The All Scenarios Page will now be displayed. This page lists all the scenarios available for use by students and trainers using your FLAIM devices.
  5. Locate the Scenario you want to display the details for. You may need to use the Search Filters to locate the Scenario that you want to review or modify.
  6. When you have displayed the scenario you want to review or modify, click on the greater than icon displayed at the right of the scenario’s row to display the Scenario Details Page.
  7. The Scenario Details Page will now be displayed.
  8. The "Overview" TAB provides an overview of the scenario including:
    • Title of the scenario.
    • A description of the scenario.
    • A list of learning outcomes.
    • The scenario’s setting.
    • The fire event associated with the scenario.
    • The type of FLAIM Device linked to the scenario.
  9. Clicking on the "Statistic" TAB will display a dashboard of key metrics related to the scenario for your organisation.
  10. Clicking on the "Events" TAB will display the details of the Micro Events and Performance Events associated with the scenario.
  11. Each Micro Event has a Success and Failure Message that will be displayed on a Student’s Simulation Record. You can review these messages and, if required, it is possible to modify the text of both these messages.
  12. To modify the Success and/or Failure Message text of a Micro Event, click on the More Options button (displayed as three dot/ellipsis) at the right hand-side of the Micro Event row.
  13. A menu option will be displayed. Click on "Edit Feedback".
  14. The "Edit Feedback" box will now be displayed.
  15. You can modify the Success Message and the Failure Message text as required. If you have previously modified the text you will have the option of resetting the message text to the default message text.
  16. To save any changes, click on the “Save” button.
  17. A message will be displayed confirming that the changes you have made have been updated.
  18. Clicking on the "Simulations" TAB will display a list of all the Simulation Records that have been recorded for this scenario within your Organisation. The functions and features of this page are identical to those described previously.
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