10. Safety


The safe use of the FLAIM Extinguisher is paramount. The following safety guidelines should be followed to ensure that users and support staff are protected at all times.


Safety advice

  • FLAIM Extinguisher is only to be used to train those who respond to fire safety.
  • FLAIM Extinguisher must not be used for operational or actual firefighting or LIVE FIRE training.
  • Do not use in wet conditions or expose to direct water.
  • Do not use with firefighting liquids or agent streams including gas, carbonaceous or other fuels.


Safety Boundary

Following release 2024 R2 (August 2024), a configurable safety boundary will appear in the VR headset view. When the safety barrier is set, the barrier will gradually fade in as the trainee approaches the space limit. If the trainee moves beyond the space limit, the VR headset passthrough cameras activate and the trainee will receive vision of the room, rather than the VR scenario.

Safety Boundary.gif


To enable the Safety Boundary:

  1. In the Extinguisher Launcher, select the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
  2. Highlight Enable Safety Boundary to toggle on/off.
  3. Select the size of the safety boundary between Small, Medium or Large.
    • Medium is selected as default
      Safety Boundary.png


Battery charging

  • FLAIM Extinguisher has a battery within the headset and controllers that must be charged and maintained for optimal use. It is critical that the headset and controllers are checked for damage before and after use and before and after charging.
  • If the headset or controllers show signs of damage, contact FLAIM Systems for advice.


Use conditions

  • FLAIM Extinguisher should be used inside or away from direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can damage the VR headset displays and will void the system warranty.
  • If the VR headset displays have been inadvertently exposed to direct sunlight, contact FLAIM Systems for advice.



  • Refer to the supplied HTC VIVE Focus 3 manual located in Safety Guides for care and maintenance tips.


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