11. Teams Training

Multiple users can now connect to an individual session and collaborate together within the same virtual space.

The session is created one one FLAIM Trainer system, and the other participants join that new session by selecting it from a drop-down list on their iPad.

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Important: Teams is only possible with the FLAIM Trainer connected to the internet. Use the keyboard/mouse to connect to a local WiFi network. Refer to Connecting to Wi-Fi (Part 13) for more details.


Activate Teams

  1. Ensuring that the Trainer is connected to the internet, open the iPad and launch the FLAIM app.
  2. Press the yellow New Session button.
    iPad - App Start Screen.png
  3. Press the Settings button in the top left corner of the iPad screen.
    Important Logo White.svg


    To ensure full compatibility between systems, each user must be running the latest FLAIM Trainer software and be connected to the same Capture Server.

  4. In the Configuration settings, ensure that the latest simulation version has been selected from the drop-down list. If another participant is joining remotely, you may need to call them to ensure you are both running with the same software version.
    iPad - Settings - Sim Version Drop Down.png
  5. Check the Server Location and confirm that all Trainer systems are saved to the same Capture Server. If a change needs to be made, the Trainer needs to be restarted to confirm the updated settings. Press the Restart FLAIM System button.
    iPad - Settings - Capture Server Drop Down.png
  6. If you do not want the Session you are creating to be seen by any other organisations, check the Lock team to organisation only box. This is not a compulsory step, and the box will need to be unchecked for support assistance, if required.
    iPad - Settings - Lock teams.png
  7. Press the yellow Trainer Simulation button to save your changes and return to the Session page.
  8. The Teams button has been toggled Off by default. Press the Teams toggle to turn On. New options (Create and Join) will now appear next to the Teams toggle.
    iPad - New Session - Teams Toggled On.png

Create a Session as host

  1. Now that Teams has been activated, press the Create button which is now showing.
  2. Enter a Session name. Please note that Session names are limited to 20 characters and must be unique to be visible in the drop-down .
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Session Name.png
  3. Select the Crew role for the participant on this system. Press the drop-down menu under the heading and press the role to confirm.
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Create - Crew role.PNG
    • Primary Crew A: a firefighter using the Branch
    • Secondary Crew A: backup firefighter that can use the Thermal Imaging Camera
    • Primary Crew B: a firefighter using the Branch
    • Secondary Crew B: backup firefighter that can use the Thermal Imaging Camera
    • Incident Controller: a supervisory role that uses the radio to communicate with the Primary and Secondary Crews
    • Observer: this role is invisible to others and is only there to observe
      Important Logo White.svg


      Please note that the Crew roles are a live list which means that as users select a role, it will disappear as an option for other users.

  4. When ready, press the yellow Connect button.
  5. The button will update to read 'Connected' once the host has successfully created the session.
  6. Once all users have joined, click the Run button to begin the Session.


Join a Session as participant

  1. Now that Teams has been activated, press the Join button.
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Join.PNG
  2. The Session name drop-down list will appear. Press it to see the list and select the correct Session. If there are no Sessions currently available, the list will not show until a Session connects and is available to join.
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Join - Session Name Drop Down.PNG
  3. Once the Session has been selected, the system will automatically attempt to join the Session. Once joined, the Crew roles will become available.
  4. Select the Crew role for the participant on this system. Press the drop-down menu under the heading and press the role to confirm.
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Join - Crew role.png
    • Primary Crew A: A firefighter using the Branch
    • Secondary Crew A: Backup firefighter that can use the Thermal Imaging Camera
    • Primary Crew B: A firefighter using the Branch
    • Secondary Crew B: Backup firefighter that can use the Thermal Imaging Camera
    • Incident Controller: A supervisory role that uses the radio to communicate with the Primary and Secondary Crews
    • Observer: This role is invisible to others and is only there to observe
      Important Logo White.svg


      Please note that the Crew roles are a live list which means that as users select a role, it will disappear as an option for other users.

  5. Once the role is selected, the Connect button will appear. Press this to continue, the button will update to 'Connected' once the user has successfully joined the Session.

    iPad - New Session - Teams - Join - Connected Original.PNG

  6. The role of the user can be changed by clicking the yellow Change role button and selecting a different role from the drop-down list.
    iPad - New Session - Teams - Join - Crew role updated 2.PNG
  7. Once a role has been selected you wait for the Host to Run the Session.
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Teams is a work in progress and we are continually improving the experience and stability. Currently, be aware that you may need to restart the Trainer software after completing a Teams session to run a second Session.

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