The After Action Review tab on the iPad is used by the instructor during simulations to assess the student learning outcomes. This section allows an instructor to:
- Add student details (Name and Student Number)
- Save training records (This is saved to the desktop of the SCBA computer by date, time and student name)
- Tick off standard competencies as supplied by FLAIM
- Add or remove learning outcomes that are saved for future training sessions.
Please contact FLAIM Systems at support@flaimsystems to understand options for saving this data to your organisations learning management system.
Figure 1: After Action Review Tab
The instructor can monitor firefighters during and after training.
Completing After-Action Reviews
The instructor can switch to the After-Action Review screen at any time while a scenario is running by tapping on the After Action Review tab. They can then check Competent or Review for each learning outcome.
When the trainee has completed a scenario that scenario will still run until the instructor taps on Stop. This is an ideal time to review with the trainee and complete the After-Action Review.
Saving After-Action Reviews
The instructor can save AAR files to USB by going to Settings and tapping on Save AAR files to USB in the standard settings section (Green box) This will save all trainee sessions.
Figure 2: Saving AAR Files
Modifying AAR Learnings
Instructors can modify, delete, and add new learnings to the AAR by going to Settings and tapping on Modify AAR Module in the Advanced Section (Red box)
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